Lyn Barney
Hey babe it's been three weeks and I can't believe your gone
I keep expecting u to walk through the door. Every time I get a text message I expect it to be you
It's been very hard but I feel you all around me . I love u and miss u. Always and forever. Me
Adeline Cilurso
Hi me miss you very much, think of you all the time every time I turn the little speaker you gave me ,tears fill my eyes.. Monet has not been for her walk since you last took her .I can't mention your name because she whimpers ,,she knows her JY is all gone. She is still grieving. Re member what I said the last time you came here??fshe. Got s o excited. Barking and wagging her tal.. And I Claud to y ou"" no you wish everyone go that excited to see you enter the house?""" And we all laughed!!! Miss you
Adeline Cilurso
Thinking of you ,and all the things you did for me..I will always remember you with the kindness you shared with me.. Also want you to know Monet is grieving she knows !I told her Jay is all gone, she did not eat for a couple days, not even her treats,she stays in her bed mostly all day, just like she did when her Big Daddy passed away. I will treasure the times we spent together, your hospitality when I stayed at your apt to recuperate the thoughtful things you gave me and all the goodies you would bring home for Lyn and is too short however it allowed me to have met you and enjoyed the times we were all together,,, will meet you again one fine sunny day.where we can enjoy the home God has reserved for all of us......
I love you Jay .you hold a space in my heart that is reserved just for you......
Love and God Bless......❤️❤️❤️❤️mom